8 Steps to Deliver High Results for Social Media Management Clients

woman hand writing on post it note

Are you struggling to deliver high results to your social media management clients? 

Do you want to help your high-ticket clients reach their target market and generate leads? 

Do you want to see results like this for your clients?

182% increase in accounts reached

439% increase in accounts engaged

171% increase in profile visits

222% increase in website taps

I've been in brand content marketing for over 10 years, and I know how to reach a client's desired target market. 

Follow these eight steps to provide the highest results possible for your social media management clients. 

Step 1. Client goals and budget

Start with understanding your client’s social media presence. 

Evaluate their current situation:

  • # of followers

  • engagement rate

  • account reach

  • identify their target customer

Determine marketing goals: 

  • Increase brand awareness

  • Drive traffic to their website

  • Generate leads

  • Make sales 

Be smart with your questions:

  • What resources are needed to achieve the goals? 

  • What is their overall marketing budget? 

  • What potential ROI are they looking for? 

  • Use the SMART method to set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals.

Once you’ve agreed on the goals and social media marketing cost, build a plan.

Step 2: Content and platforms

Ask these questions:

Who is the client's target audience? 

This info will help you understand which platforms will be the most effective in reaching them. 

Who are the client’s competitors? 

If you know who/what competes with your client, you’ll be able to create the most relevant and engaging content to reach their audience. 

What mix of content do they want? 

Do they want to inform? Educate? Promote? Entertain? What is their voice, and how do they want to use it? 

You now have the what and where, so move on to set strategies based on your client’s campaign goals.

Step 3: Strategic campaign goals

Goals and budget–check. Types of content and platforms–check. 

Now, make sure you clearly define the client’s campaign goals. For example, say you and the client decided that posting 1 reel and 2 stories weekly to multiple platforms will get the job done. 

At the same time, you’ll work with influencers and UGC creators to add a lifestyle to the brand since it’s currently mostly product based. These influencers and creators will also help promote the client’s giveaways to increase overall engagement and, in turn, their overall exposure.

Step 4: Create a content calendar

Your client’s content calendar outlines the specific type of content to be created, where it’s shared, and when it will be shared. This calendar helps you create a consistent and cohesive social media presence for your client. 

Be sure to include corresponding content pillars, the foundation of the calendar.  They’re used to reinforce your client’s overall brand message and marketing strategy. 

In this client’s example, using the strategic campaign goals, I reached their target audience on Instagram through reels, posts, stories, and videos, resulting in a 182% increase in their exposure in less than 3 months

Step 5: Create and propose content

One of the best tools I use for working with clients is Trello. You can create a board for each client to provide them with an organized view of the content created. Include details like the content description, notes, and due dates. 

Using the agreed-on mix, create content for the social media platforms your client wants to utilize. Use Trello to post blog articles, images, videos, reels, etc., to allow your client to review and suggest edits. Make sure you explain the purpose of each piece, how it fits into their marketing strategy, and how it will generate sales. 

Step 6: Client’s website optimization

If you want your client’s content to be seen, you must ensure search engines optimization for their website. These tips will help you:

  • Identify and use relevant keywords for your client’s business and industry. 

  • Keep the wording concise and focused. No fluff!

  • Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility. 

  • Use an easy call to action. 

  • Make sure their contact info is up-to-date. 

  • Be sure you meet optimization requirements for each social media platform. 

  • Emojis are still fun; use them. 

  • When you are working long-term with a client, review and update their bio regularly. 

Step 7: Create strategic highlight reels

Instagram reels will be THE feature content when you are working with a client’s social media marketing. Reels let a business put its best content out there to create a cohesive brand story. 
Think about these things when you are creating strategic highlight reels for your clients: 

  • What’s the purpose of the highlight reel? Showcase a product or service? Tell a story? Highlight a promotion or event? 

  • What’s the right content? What content aligns with the purpose of the reel? 

  • What’s the content’s overall theme? Again, it’s all about the brand story and how you convey that message. 

  • Use the business’s brand colors or a color palette that compliments its site. This helps promote continuity across their platforms.

  • Descriptive and keyword-rich titles are a must for each highlight reel. Make it super easy for the user to find the content.

  • How do you organize the content? Choose a logical order, such as chronologically, thematically, or any other way that will make sense to the user. 

  • Make sure the content stays relevant and effective. Add new content or remove the old to keep it fresh. 

Step 8: Create high-performing videos curated for reels

Your goal is to create engagement-based reels for your client that will go viral every time. It won’t be perfect, and every reel won’t hit the mark, but it should still be your goal. 

Reels should be short. 

You only have 15 seconds to get the user’s attention, so keep it straight and to the point. Eye-catching visuals will keep your client’s viewers engaged. 

Reels tell a story. 

Use catchy music or trending sounds to stand out and be more memorable. Research and find sounds on the rise with less than 5k videos attached to them to create a high-impact reel guaranteed to provide higher results by playing the algorithm.

Reels need to be promoted. 

Use relevant hashtags and share the reels on all other social media platforms the client wants to use. 

Reels need to be analyzed. 

Instagram insights will show you how the reel performs, so use this information to optimize future reels. 

Make it happen for you and your clients

Using this strategy, the client example used here has since renewed with me twice, and we plan on sticking with the exact same strategy through 2023. 

If you’re struggling to deliver the results you know you can produce for your clients, reach out to me, and I’ll provide you with a personalized strategy for success.


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