Private 1:1 Coaching for Women Who Want to Succeed

Learn What You Need to Succeed as an Online Entrepreneur

You spend your nights scrolling through TikTok and Instagram, watching so many people living the life you know you can achieve (and probably do WAY better than them), but you just don’t know where to start.

It seems like they have it all figured out, but building a highly profitable freelancing business is not about sheer dumb luck.

It takes a very strategic formula that has been tested and proven time and time again.

It’s all about

  • Knowing your service offerings like the back of your hand

  • Simplifying and proposing those service offerings in an attractive way to your ideal clients

  • Creating a can’t-say-no portfolio and Freelancer profiles promoting those services

  • Positioning yourself as the expert and the CEO of a Strategic Partnership

  • Delivering insane results and an unmatched experience for guaranteed client retention




Time is money—and you're sick and tired of running low on both. Instead of running around aimlessly for the next year, what if you were able to build a sustainable and profitable freelancing business with a 1:1 tailored strategy from a coach (and six-figure freelancer) who has been there, done that, and made the mistakes so you don’t have to?

  • female business owner on phone one on one private coaching session

    1:1 Private Coaching Sessions

    4 tailored and intensive weekly calls throughout the first 30 days of partnership + 2 additional calls, bi-weekly during your second month of partnership. All calls will be recorded and provided via a custom client digital folder.

  • female business owner looking at freelancing business resources on computer

    Resources, Tools & Templates

    All the spreadsheets and resources I use in my personal freelancing business will be provided and based on your needs and goals. Any guides, templates, etc., that I can provide to catapult your success.

  • female business owner smiling at phone screen

    Private Slack Channel for 60 Days

    Experience unlimited messenger access to the Evolushen team during normal business hours through a private Slack channel for the totality of your 60-day partnership.

  • female business owner sitting on couch writing business plan

    Strategic and Tailored Business Launch Plan

    Together we will create a sustainable and profitable business plan built around data and a marketing plan built around your dream clients. We will create automated processes that allow you to own your time and work on things you are passionate about.

Emily G.

After each zoom call we have, I feel more and more confident in myself, my skills and the freelancer / entrepreneur path as a whole. 

It’s been crazy to see how a lot of the big goals I had for myself even YEARS ago and new opportunities I have been wanting to start are coming to fruition while feeling like I know my stuff. So, this is just a big ole message to say thank you!!! I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you, your guidance and support! I definitely think the one-on-one coaching route was the way to go for me!

Together we will build

female business owner talking on phone with fellow entrepreneur


Discover or develop your WHY, which will be the single most important ingredient in forming a secure foundation for your business. When the days get tough, because they will… You will have a strong, confident foundation that will continue to deliver you towards success.


Determine what your best and most profitable service offerings will be, build pricing structures for each of them, and fine-tune all inclusions within them.


Now that we have your perfect product offerings built, it’s time to focus on your internal business processes. For each type of client, we will create a strategic onboarding process, a discovery call template, automated questionnaires, financial spreadsheets, and more to give you the time back in your day you deserve.


You have your perfect business built, but where are the clients at? You will receive a tailored marketing plan for your personal brand, and together we will build and optimize your profiles on freelance marketing platforms.

Don’t just take our word for it, hear what Jacqueline had to say!

Or maybe just have some questions you need answered before diving in?

Feel free to book a call with me anytime to discuss your personalized plan of attack!

Private, 1:1 Coaching is my favorite part of this business.

I love working 1:1 with freelancing females, learning the good, bad, and ugly within their individual businesses. Watching the lightbulb go off when one of my students GETS it and receiving those weekly texts, emails, or Slack messages of the WINS they experienced within their business because of our time together.

Sure, a DIY course is nice, but the accountability that private coaching gives you is what will guarantee you get the MASSIVE RESULTS you want FAST.

Uplevel Your Current Situation

  • 1:1 Private Coaching Partnership for Female Entrepreneurs

    • Six 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions

    • Private Slack channel access for 60 days

    • Access to all resources, templates, and guides applicable to your program

I give so much credit to Leslie for this life I am living. I have worked with other coaches and taken other courses, and ALL of them have fallen short for me. Leslie helped get my print-on-demand business started as well as my freelancing business. She didn’t blow smoke up my butt. She didn’t make promises that seemed too good to be true. She showed up, she taught me, and she held me accountable.

Aubrey Mathis

The material being offered and the depth of knowledge is more than I could’ve asked for. It is very refreshing to work with someone who has my best interest at heart and has the background and experience to answer any and all of my questions.

Megan Jungkunz

I got my first paying client and have since worked to double the work and invoice amount with that same client. I count Leslie as a mentor and will somehow ensure to always have time with her as I grow in my vision!

Chelsea Poorboy


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female business owner sitting next to computer