2023 Guide for Selling on Etsy, Ideas for Every Quarter: Part 3
Are you thinking about starting an Etsy shop in 2023?
Are you clueless about what items you should offer in your store?
If you answered “yes” to those questions,
this is the perfect guide for planning
your quarter-by-quarter selling on Etsy.
Welcome to Part 3 of what you should put in your Etsy store quarter-by-quarter throughout the 2023 season!
This guide will help you boost your passive income streams and begin living the life of financial freedom you’re looking for!
If you missed Parts 1 and 2, you definitely should check them out.
For Q3, we’ll focus on all the fun parts of summer:
Independence Day
Summer fun
Etsy customized items for 4th of July
Independence Day in the U.S. is a blast. Cookouts, pool parties, it’s time to get moving with those fireworks. Historically, consumers in the U.S. spend an average of $1.9 billion on fireworks each 4th of July. Let’s move that figure over to better things, like these items that you can sell on your Etsy shop:
patriotic clothing
patriotic wall prints
patriotic SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics)
patriotic mockups
Anyone can put on a red, white, and blue t-shirt, but for the clothing, you should be including in your Etsy shop I want it to be really cool and unique, like this—
The good news about this kind of shirt is that you don’t have to make it yourself!
Instead, go over to Printify, where there are a ton of clothing options for men, women, and kids available.
Pick out some items you think will be popular, like t-shirts, tank tops, and shoes, and get to work on designing creations emulating the POPULAR NOW or BESTSELLER items you see over on Etsy.
The next thing we'll get into is Independence Day wall prints.
All of these are pretty easy to make, and the best part is they are all digital downloads which means you can create these and even make bundles like this seller did, set it to your Etsy store, forget it, and earn passive income!
You can offer this digital download as one option and also offer them as printables.
Over on Printify, you can choose a canvas item, upload your design, and sell this as another listing in your Etsy shop.
It’s a two-for-one!
If you're more of a behind-the-scenes kinda gal, there are SVGs available for the Fourth of July, as well. So, if you like to design things, but you're not necessarily trying to actually sell the physical product, this is going to be a great option for you.
This digital download is sold to customers who want to make physical items. They will buy the digital download from you and then put the designs on their shirts.
Onto my newest favorite type of item – a mock-up.
A mockup is basically a way to display a product in a lifelike way so a buyer can see what a product will look like in their home or as something they would wear.
So, if you're savvy with photography and have an eye for design, this kind of item could be a great seller for you!
This is a Bella canvas 3001 unisex Jersey tee.
To make something like this, you can simply go to a store like Joann's or Hobby Lobby, pick out undesigned t-shirts, and start making mock-ups of them.
What’s really cool about this is, once again, it is a digital download!
So someone will purchase this from you, and then all they have to do is upload this into their Canva, Procreate, or wherever they design and then apply their design as a mockup on their Etsy shop.
Etsy back-to-school popular items
For this season, now that the kiddos are back in class and you can start to grow your passive income, I thought teacher shirts or crew necks are really cool, and this retro font style is super in right now.
You can also look into customized teachers' tumblers—
And both of these options can easily be created and purchased from Printify. Remember, you upload the design in Printify, and they handle all of the work for you!
Every teacher needs a good bag—
and Printify has tons of good options for you to choose from—
Etsy summer time customizable items
Summer is ramping up, and it’s time to take advantage of all the popular and trending items you can customize using Printify and sell in your Etsy shop.
Let’s take a look at
tank tops
travel necessities
You can easily make a custom towel like this one on Printify—
Go to the Printify catalog under “home and living,” and you’ll see tons of different options to choose from, including a beach towel.
Next, here’s a really cute tank top with a super easy design and a really good profit margin!!
And finally, you can offer customized travel accessories like this—
Head on over to the Printify catalog, look under Accessories, travel accessories and get creating!
And Q3 is a wrap!
I’d love to hear from you with any questions, feedback, or your POD success story.
Drop me an email at evolushencreatives@gmail.com.