Scaling Success: 3-Step Guide to Growing Your Freelancing Business

woman writing in notebook

A lot of people don’t believe me when I say I was able to

Scale my freelancing career to $200k in just 8 months.

But it’s completely true.

Other people have told me it seems like I have it all figured out.


Building a highly profitable freelancing business is not about luck. It takes a very strategic formula. I’ve tested this formula, made the mistakes, and learned what it takes to turn a freelancing side hustle into a successful 6-figure business. 

It’s all about 

  • Knowing what services you want to offer. 

  • Creating kick-ass proposals for those service offerings so clients can’t say no.

  • Optimizing your portfolio and freelancing profiles to attract the best clients.  

  • Seeing yourself as an expert and a strategic partner with clients.  

  • Providing outstanding results with client-centric services.

So as I continue to learn more about how to grow a business, I wanted to share with you all

the three steps I took to more than double my corporate salary
working for myself
as a full-time freelancer
with a business margin of 70% profit 

The first thing I did was take a look at my skills and which ones I could use to monetize myself to clients worldwide. I then took those skills and determined which of them was going to make me the most amount of money with the least amount of time investment.

-Highest profit – lowest investment

I tested these skills for 3-6 months to determine the time investment each took to provide the highest results for my clients and the highest return to my business.

I landed on 

  • Social Media Management

  • UGC videos

  • Print on Demand and Promotional Items

Doing this allowed me to open up my schedule for more client opportunities.

Next, I hopped on TikTok in May 2022, one month after taking my freelancing business full-time, to let others know about the beauty of freelancing.

It was then that I realized how many people wanted to know more about it so they could make their lives better, too. Which led to me finding ways how to

-Monetize my knowledge

So, I decided to start my business's Coaching & Consulting vertical. 

This new vertical lets me combine my passion for working individually with women tired of running low on time and money and teaching them how to change their lives.

I also started offering to coach and consult with clients worldwide struggling with their small business marketing plans. 

Finally, I learned pretty quickly that as a freelance business owner, you are literally responsible for EVERY ASPECT of the business.

I also discovered that I could not scale past $10k per month alone. Adding in coaching and consulting, much of my time was invested in my students.

But, my freelancing clients still deserved the very best. So I researched and began to understand the power of

-Outsourcing and Agency Building

I got really smart about outsourcing the admin/clerical tasks to other freelancers looking to build their own businesses. I even started outsourcing some of my clients’ work to freelancers to continue the momentum of helping others grow.

I built a team of 

  • Graphic designers

  • Social media managers

  • Digital Advertisers

  • Copywriters

  • Accountant

  • Client success manager

  • and more

In just 8 months, I have built a team of 11 people I work with daily, none of whom are my actual employees, but rather are my business partners, as they are business owners themselves.  

Here are some fun facts about my outsourcing:

  • Outsourcing also allows me to manage 10-15 clients every month.

  • It costs me about $5k/month in INTERNAL outsourcing fees and an additional $1.5k/month in EXTERNAL contracts where a freelancer is helping me complete client work. But because I’ve taken these steps to make my business successful, I’m making $30k each month, so it’s a no-brainer. 

  • Because of my team members and the automations I have very diligently built into my business, I work, on average, 20-25 hours each week, spend time making content, and traveling.  

And the best part is, that
I’m reaching my goal EVERY SINGLE DAY
to help other women become independent freelancers and work anywhere they want.

I would love to help you on your journey. If you’re just starting out with freelancing, or you’ve been at it for a while, but can’t seem to get your footing, let’s talk.

paper scroll sign let your dream be bigger than your fears

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