Print on Demand Store Startup Costs with Etsy and Printify

woman counting money

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately:

How much does it cost to start a Print on Demand store?

Zero. It costs zero.

If you’ve been thinking about starting a Print on Demand business, a good way to do it is to start with Printify, Etsy, and EverBee. These three products make it super easy to set up your POD shop to maximize your profits.

Print on demand is a system where you print and sell products only when a customer places an order. There is no large inventory to house or production costs. You create designs, upload your product information, and then the POD platform you choose fulfills the orders. You can create and sell items through POD, like t-shirts, mugs, digital organizing tools, home decor, and more.

I recommend building a Print on Demand store with Printify. The best part about Printify is that it can be completely free. And, what’s even better, is that with the free Printify account, you can have up to 5 different stores. So in my case, I have 2 Etsy stores and 1 Stan store, all working with my Printify account.

printify free account benefits

Once you’ve gotten started with POD and you’re gaining some traction, you can move up to the Printify Premium account, where you can have up to 10 stores and get 20% off all products. This is the type of account I currently use for my business.

Etsy is also completely free - but only to set up.

When you start making sales, you will have to

  1. Pay for the Printify item.

  2. Pay the Etsy transaction fees.

  3. Pay the $0.20 fee per listing on Etsy.

Another tool you’ll want to put in your toolbox for POD is working with the EverBee software.

EverBee is a product analysis tool that shows you what the hottest items are on Etsy.

You can start your profitable
Print on Demand business today
and with no cost.

I hope this is valuable information for you. Get started with your own Print on Demand business and move towards financial and time freedom today!

I’m rooting for you!



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